Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Piranha Tooth Bar is installed on my Kubota bucket. I used a 4 pound hammer to adjust the side braces of the tooth bar so it would fit inside the bucket. I used the larger clamp to snug the braces up to the inside of the bucket so I could tighten the nut on the bolt with then lock washer in place. The hammer was used to bend the brace in and then to bend it to fit better. I used an air tool attached to the air outlet I had put on the tractor side of the Tractor Building. A 15/16th inch socket fit the bolts and nuts of the tooth bar and an adjustable wrench held which ever was the other side ( nut or bolt). The pictures show the tooth bar and the fasteners.

While I wanted to try out the new implement, there were a few other things to do before it got too hot.

 got the riding mower out and mowed the rest of the front yard, including where we planted Bluebonnet seeds. Then I decided to venture into the side yard and cut trail. That lasted for just a few minutes and then I got a piece of tree jammed in the cutting blades and the motor stopped. I tried several times to get the branch out and finally had to raise the mower on the mower hoist and then get the branch out. Once I did that, it seemed good to use a hose and wash off the grass stuck above the mower deck. It took a while, but I prevailed.

Next, I got the Outback Billy Goat out and drove it to some brush piles including the big Chinese Tallow forest my neighbor has been trying to get rid of for years. The Billy Goat cut the small trees, yet it go hung up on cut off trunks of former trees and a really big fire ant mound. I managed to disengage from the ant mound and the stumps. I did cut a good bit of the Chinese tallow and then went on to visit my side yard and cut some of that brush. It cuts a 24 inch swath and is easier to get into tight places than my brush hog is able to do. Once the Billy Goat gets stuck, one wheel spins and the other stays stopped. Then it is rock the machine, try to back up, try to twist sideways, rock some more, pull and pull. Eventually I get it unstuck and mow on. It is a form of intense exercise since the machine weighs about 360 pounds. It sure does cut well with that ¼ inch thick blade. If the weather holds, I shall add fuel and make more trails along my fence line.  Billy is almost out of gas. I started the Billy Goat again s I saw brother in law Bob do. No kick back and it started on the second pull.

Tractor Boy